About Dee

About Dee (she/her/hers)​
Online Therapy Sessions

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There’s a lot of pressure that comes with feeling expected to do everything and have everything together.

You feel a sometimes suffocating pressure to achieve greatness, be available at all times, have all the answers, be happy, and look good while doing it. They need you to be Ok so that they can be OK.  So, when you don’t feel together, you pretend that you are.

You only show the parts of yourself that you think people want to see or the parts that you think they can handle. This keeps everyone happy…EXCEPT YOU. You’re tired of needing support and no one knowing. You’re ready to do something different.

It’s time to fully embrace who you are inside.

I'll Help You Do Things Differently

I know you don’t think you can afford to step back and take care of yourself. You already have tons of things to do and no energy to do them.  But you also can’t afford to keep giving what you don’t have to give and exhausting yourself.

Keeping to yourself is keeping you from experiencing new things. Keeping you from enjoying yourself. Holding it all in makes it possible for depression, anxiety, and other stress related challenges to take up space in your life.

Have you considered that though it may seem unrealistic to take a step back, it may be exactly what you need to move forward?

Change comes from caring for yourself, learning to receive support, and being open and aware of what you need. Psychotherapy can help by giving you the chance to explore your options and figure out what works best for you. Therapy can support you in increasing self-compassion and vulnerability so that you can grow internally and learn to navigate life challenges.

You can learn to:

- manage your anxiety
- increase trust in others
- feel better about yourself
- communicate with getting angry
- create space for yourself even when others aren't cooperating

Who Am I?

I'm DeAndrea White, but to you I’m Dee. I’m a master's level therapist and I hope to assist you with the anxiety, and possible depression that comes from everyday challenges and life transitions.

I use EMDR therapy to untangle the knots of trauma and distress, paving the way for healing and resilience to emerge.

Areas of Experience

I work from a perspective that emphasizes your strengths and connectedness to other to enhance your mental wellness. I believe that insight into your challenges empowers you to overcome worries of not being good enough. I hope to provide you with the support and encouragement you need to cope and develop healthy ways to overcome your fears.

Dee is available for morning, afternoon, and evening individual therapy appointments. She assists adults with depression, anxiety, life transitions, and relationship difficulties. Dee provides individual sessions at a rate of $100 per session. Self-pay clients only. She is under the direction and supervision of Rayvene Whatley, LPC.

Ready to let the world see who you are inside?

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